So, in a previous example. I had those nifty "Start" and "Pause" buttons working. How did I do that? Was I subscribing and unsubscribing between observables?
Nope. (Well, RxJS was under the hood, but I wasn't.) I was using switchMap
to switch between a stream of values and a stream without values.
I was doing some crazy stuff with multiple streams back then, but we're rendering one stream now. So, let's go ahead and implement a version of this together and then you'll do a similiar example on your own.
First, we need to talk about NEVER
This is a pre-baked observable that RxJS gives us. It never emits and and it never completes.
(There is also EMPTY
, which just immediately completes.)
Wiring Up the Buttons
We've done this before, but let's try it out again.
const start$ = fromEvent(startButton, 'click').pipe(mapTo(true));
const pause$ = fromEvent(pauseButton, 'click').pipe(mapTo(false));
const isRunning$ = merge(start$, pause$).pipe(startWith(false));
We now have a boolean that tells us whether or not we should run through our observable or not. Based on the last boolean that comes through the stream, we ant to redirect between our stream and NEVER
That boolean is not going to be the end result. So, let's do our DOM manipulation with a tap
const start$ = fromEvent(startButton, 'click').pipe(mapTo(true));
const pause$ = fromEvent(pauseButton, 'click').pipe(mapTo(false));
const isRunning$ = merge(start$, pause$).pipe(startWith(false), tap(setStatus));
Making Promises
const start$ = fromEvent(startButton, 'click').pipe(mapTo(true));
const pause$ = fromEvent(pauseButton, 'click').pipe(mapTo(false));
const isRunning$ = merge(start$, pause$).pipe(
switchMap((isRunning) => {
if (isRunning) {
return interval(1000).pipe(mergeMap(getCharacter));
} else {
return NEVER;
Picking Up Where We Left Off
What if we refactored our code like this?
const characters$ = interval(1000).pipe(mergeMap(getCharacter));
const start$ = fromEvent(startButton, 'click').pipe(mapTo(true));
const pause$ = fromEvent(pauseButton, 'click').pipe(mapTo(false));
const isRunning$ = merge(start$, pause$).pipe(
switchMap((isRunning) => (isRunning ? characters$ : NEVER)),
We're not making a new observable on the fly. So, it should pick up where it left off right? Well, no. Each subscription is a unique instance of that observable.
If we want to ensure that all subscriptions share the same obsevable, we need to use the shareReplay()
const characters$ = interval(1000).pipe(mergeMap(getCharacter), shareReplay(0));
const start$ = fromEvent(startButton, 'click').pipe(mapTo(true));
const pause$ = fromEvent(pauseButton, 'click').pipe(mapTo(false));
const isRunning$ = merge(start$, pause$).pipe(
switchMap((isRunning) => (isRunning ? characters$ : NEVER)),
We'll explore this a little more later.