Loading State

Let's start with something simple to validate that everything works.

const loading$ = fromEvent(form, 'submit').pipe(tap(() => showLoading(true)));

fetchData is a fake API call that lasts about as long as we say it should in that input field.

const loading$ = fromEvent(form, 'submit').pipe(
  tap(() => showLoading(true)),
  exhaustMap(() => fetchData()),
  tap(() => showLoading(false)),

Now, we're showing the loading field and cleaning up after ourselves when it's done.

But, we want to delay that loading indicator, right?

const showLoading$ = of(true).pipe(
  tap(() => showLoading(true)),

const hideLoading$ = of(true).pipe(tap(() => showLoading(false)));

const loading$ = fromEvent(form, 'submit').pipe(
  exhaustMap(() => concat(showLoading$, fetchData(), hideLoading$)),

Well, this has some problems, we don't even start fetching the data until after we show the loading indicator.

We can improve this by racing the data against the start time for the loading indicator.

const loading$ = fromEvent(form, 'submit').pipe(
  exhaustMap(() => {
    const data$ = fetchData();
    const dataOrLoading$ = race(showLoading$, data$);
    return concat(dataOrLoading$, data$, hideLoading$);

If you look closely at the console, you'll see we fetch the data twice. Once for the race and once to actually get the data. This is because each subscription gets a fresh copy of the observsble.

There is an operator called share that allows us to share once instance between two subscriptions.

const loading$ = fromEvent(form, 'submit').pipe(
  exhaustMap(() => {
    const data$ = fetchData().pipe(share());
    const dataOrLoading$ = race(showLoading$, data$);
    return concat(dataOrLoading$, data$, hideLoading$);


const loading$ = fromEvent(form, 'submit').pipe(
  exhaustMap(() => {
    const data$ = fetchData().pipe(shareReplay(1));

    const showLoading$ = of(true).pipe(
      tap(() => showLoading(true)),

    const hideLoading$ = timer(+showLoadingForAtLeastField.value).pipe(first());

    const loading$ = concat(
      data$.pipe(tap(() => showLoading(false))),

    return race(data$, loading$);